Neomagic Framebuffer Driver Patches

The following are my currently available patches for the Neomagic framebuffer (neofb) driver in the linux kernel. The original patches were made against the 2.6.5 kernel. I subsequently became aware of James Simmons' current patch for the same driver (available at, and have updated the patches to apply cleanly to this version of the driver as well. The following table lists all of my currently available patches for either the stock linux kernel (2.6.5) or James Simmons' patched driver (jsimmons).

(4/23/04) Update: Several of my patches here have now been included in James' driver patch (still available from the same URL above). The patches which are now included are listed in the table below as "included".

--Alex Stewart <>

Fix small bug in open/release (not required) included (neofb-js.1.releasebug.patch)
Fix copyarea positioning bug neofb.1.copyarea.patch (not required)
Fix color imageblits neofb.2.imageblit.patch included (neofb-js.2.imageblit.patch)
Misc fixes for 16-bit mode neofb.3.16bit.patch included (neofb-js.3.16bit.patch)
Misc fixes to make 24-bit mode work neofb.4.24bit.patch included (neofb-js.4.24bit.patch)
Update driver to use modedb neofb.5.modedb.patch included (neofb-js.5.modedb.patch)
Add DPMS blanking support (not available) neofb-js.6.blanking.patch

In Progress

The following patches are not yet complete, but are made available for general interest or collaboration purposes. They will probably not work as intended.


Outstanding Issues

The following issues still require some work (I'm currently looking into them)..