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Golly it looks small.

It's one of my healthiest, though, hardly nibbled at all and growing well. It may always be small, Chello being a determinate cherry, but I honestly don't know. I've never grown a determinate cherry before -- does it really do its fruit all at once? Will it come back for a second flush? And in the tradeoff between rampant cherry growth and determinate bush behavior, which side wins?

Here you can actually see the drip feed into the pipe... and the blessed barrenness of the soil all around it. I never mulch these days, a habit from having far too many earwigs... the potatoes are mulched with straw to make them easy to dig, and they are incredibly infested with earwigs, pillbugs, and slugs. I'll stick with dust-mulching, which conserves water and keeps down weeds almost totally by July or so.

At least all the bare ground makes it easy to see the transplants...

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